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Yeah New York is an absolute lost cause. It has been since the jump tbf. The propaganda came in very very hard here, probably deliberate. The mass compliance and practically no resistance is astonishing !!!! Kids get towed around in groups of 6 or 8 all wearing masks is normal. The kid thing is very very disturbing but nobody seems to look at it like that. I aint been to a lot of areas like on the outskirts but everywhere ive been, the energy is the same. . The spell is REAL here. lol It is deeper than that King of Rowhan's spell . LOL ... The 'liberals' are absolutely loving it and the 'woke brigade' as you put it (LOOOL) are fucking everywhere. Cant remember in my life seeing so many fucking rainbows and BLM signs in windows of business. This State is a lost cause for sure!!!


Earlier today I received an email from NHS - of course it was a 'no reply' number. I'll be changing my number soon (not initially because of them). They only have my old address. Won't be updating my surgery either. This how they got my number. Stay strong and don't give up!