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Mainstream media saying we should prepare for a "permanent pandemic" -AKA permanent control- as we will "never go back to normal". Since when in human history has there EVER been a "permanent pandemic"??? What a load of bullshit! Anyone who still thinks that this is about a virus, is part of the problem.

The 1918 "Spanish Flu" killed 50 million people. 50 MILLION! At a time when the global population was only 2 billion (today it's over 7 billion). If covid was as deadly as Spanish flu it would have killed 350 million people, if you adjust for population size. Spanish flu was FAR MORE deadly, it's not even remotely close. And unlike covid, Spanish flu killed MILLIONS of young healthy people. Yet they didn't have permanent restrictions. They went back to normal in very short order. In fact the "Spanish flu" still exists today, it has mutated MANY TIMES, and returns EVERY FLU SEASON. There are loads of "variants" of Spanish flu that still exist today. Look it up! How come it doesn't kill the same numbers anymore? Two words- herd immunity.

Yes folks, herd immunity is 'a thing', and has ALWAYS been 'a thing', WITHOUT vaccines. That's why the human race has survived for over 200,000 years.




Some people will see this as the world advancing 🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️


Has anyone else got links from any other news-sites apart from dodgy old dailymail? https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9502227/Coronavirus-UK-Children-young-12-Covid-vaccines-September.html