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I put a PDF on the Discord server under Deep State header, which is a copy of a Financial Times article which investigated how London is the capital for a new type of business firm, which specialise in nobbling political opponents, for dictators of all sorts. Teams of lawyers, accountants, PR people, IT experts, spooks, etc., working in devious ways to deal with opponents. I would guess that one of these organisations could have been hired to nobble Djokovic. Might interest some of you


At this point I would advise anybody without ties to the UK to do as Hatman is & start looking for potential countries to build a new life. This country started going down the fucking toilet way before covid came around and it’s only going to get worse !


Hi Joe, I have the PDF, but I don't know how to dm you. I tried your name on here but it did not work, and I cannot post PDF's on here. You can search for the article on line "Spies, lies and the oligarch/ inside London’s booming secrets industry" on the| Financial Times Tom Burgis SEPTEMBER 28 2017 Hope that is some help