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A scamdemic conversation



Also these people are dangerous.... hatman was right... dangerous ! They would lock us amd our children up if they had their way


EVENT 201 was a simulation of a Coronavirus pandemic that was hosted by the bill and melinda gates foundation.... AND it took place on the exact same day that the military world games began in Wuhan, China. This goes sooo much deeper than just that e.g the 201 links back to Pope Francis because he is the first pope to refuse the papal suite, he chose to live in suite 201 and guess what? He is the first Jesuit Pope. Ever heard of the Jesuit Order? Long story short, the only reason why they still exist (now called "The Society of Jesus") is because Catherine the Great saved 201 Jesuits. All of you need to look up "GEMATRIAEFFECTNEWS 22" on YouTube.