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Stefan Broome

Isn’t this available in mp3?

peter lally

Hatman, you're right about powers in the West emulating the Chinese model eg Trump being the old Nationalist guard, Biden being more Chinese style, it's a good point. But I think that only emphasises the danger of China rather than refutes it. That's part of what makes China the enemy of the West. Not only are you fighting them for power and control around the World with them as a competing Nation, including militarily, and economically, their cultural influence is also pernicious - ie to copy rather than to create, to be despotic rather than democratic, etc. The West is to some extent copying them to compete with them. Nothing good comes of it. As this You Tuber from Japan that I listen to says, "only Trash comes out of China". I do respect Chinese people, and they have great things within their culture, I mean no offence, but for a freedom loving European, dealing with 2020 version of China, it's all bad. That's what I think anyway. Best wishes