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Trump is firing people from his cabinet whilst launching all these legal challenges. Boris is also changing some of the personnel around him amid rumours of a "power struggle" within No. 10. I can't help but suspect that these situations are linked.

As I said a few weeks back, as America goes, so the west goes. I think many European countries are hedging their bets. Waiting to see who wins the American election before deciding their next move on covid. These lockdowns seem to be a stalling tactic. Brexit is also being stalled, and again, I think this is because Boris is waiting to see who wins the US election.

Europe is far more socialist than America, so most EU leaders will be hoping for a Biden win. But at the same time, politicians are typically very fickle, and will think nothing of shifting their allegiance over night when a new dominant power emerges. They're primarily out for themselves at the end of the day. All you have to do is research all the British aristocrats who were corresponding with the Nazi's during WW2. Promising their allegiance because they believed the Nazi's were going to conquer Britain. But when the allies won, all of a sudden they're all patriots again 😂 This is what we're dealing with. People with no scruples and no backbone whatsoever.



They no longer hoping. Biden will be the next president. Supreme court overturning results of multiple states won't happen.


That's certainly not what I've been seeing. The Biden camp and left wing media seem to be getting increasingly desperate. Copious amounts of evidence coming out now, multiple suits. The state legislature will get to decide first, and the supreme court after that. CNN have revised their election map, and it now has Biden as "projected winner" rather than the winner, and states previously called for Biden now marked as "contested". It's looking like Trump is about to rise like Lazarus.


Rather Trump than Biden!