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The fact that the CEO of Pfizer sold 62% of his stock following the announcement of their vaccine, is a good sign as far as I can tell. It suggests he has foreknowledge that the stock price is going to fall in the very near future, meaning he is not expecting that particular vaccine to be a success. He's selling his shares now before they become worthless. It's what they call a 'pump and dump'. I've mentioned this numerous times before- just because they're creating vaccines and the government are buying them, doesn't mean they're actually going to be used in any great number. The government bought enormous amounts of swine flu vaccine a decade ago, but hardly anyone took it. Most of it ended up in landfill. As long as the manufacturer (vaccine company) gets paid, they usually don't give a shit what the government does with the vaccine thereafter.

CNN have quietly conceded the fact that the presidential race is not over. If you have a look at their election maps now, they clearly state that Biden is only the 'projected winner', and states they had previously called for Biden are now marked as 'contested'. I've never been a Trump fan, but ostensibly he is the lesser of two evils here, by a long way as well. The panic among the MSM and 'liberal' establishment is palpable now.

Most of you have probably noticed that far less people are paying attention to this lockdown than the previous one. A very large percentage of people are just flat out ignoring it now, including business owners. It's nothing like the first lockdown. The tide has turned. Yes, they're going to try and throw everything at us now because they're desperate. We just need to stay on their necks. Keep the pressure up. Do not comply with anything, and encourage others to do likewise.

A gym owner in Wood Green called Andreas Michli is defying lockdown, and keeping his gym open despite police harassment. He's posted videos online mocking the police, and his gym is still FULL OF PEOPLE! Looooool. And it's great to see that HUNDREDS of members of the public were supporting him when the police were trying to shut him down! Below is an excerpt from a mail online article on the story...

Mr Michli says police shut him down last night, but he simply reopened again after they left – and said he would keep his gym open 24 hours a day until the end of lockdown. The businessman even boasted that he was selling 150 day passes a day as well as remaining open for his 1,200 existing members. Mr Michli had an angry exchange with police officers as they arrived at the premises to stop people from entering the car park. Gym users unable to gain access shouted insults at police - and were joined by more than 100 passers-by at the gates. One yelled at officers: "You're behaving like Nazis. You should be ashamed of yourselves." Among those turned away by police was Deniz Coy, 40, from Enfield, North London, who said: "I got here just as the shutters were coming down. As far as I can see no one is following lockdown rules anyway. The streets are full of people. The parks are full."



This is my take on Combat18 David Myatt was an asset – he worked for the intelligence services. The trouble was – he started smoking too much weed And got far too full of his own self importance That is when he was dumped His ramblings now are a result of him being stoned out of his mind

peter lally

US Elections - the body in the link below has estimated from 37 of the 50 States who provide the data, that there are 1.8 million more people on the electoral register, than are eligible to vote per census data. It is a problem going back many years. They are not commenting on which way these people have voted. About 1/10th of American Counties have more people on the register than are eligible to vote. The US is not a first world country when it comes to elections - I find that shocking https://www.judicialwatch.org/press-releases/new-jw-study-voter-registration/