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When I was a teenager I had a burning desire to be the 'top boy' in my age group. I established myself as the top boy in my year (or grade) at school pretty quickly. But it wasn't enough. I found myself wanting to challenge kids my age from other schools, and older kids at my own school. Stories would circulate about certain other boys; how big and tough they were, and what they'd done. Most kids would express their fear and respect, whereas I would express defiance and contempt. I wanted to challenge them and prove to the world that they weren't so tough, and that I was the one everyone should respect and fear.

Suffice it to say I got myself into a lot of scrapes. Mostly wins, but I had to take some L's along the way. In truth, I'm lucky to have escaped with my life. I was immature, egotistical, and reckless. But I was also a leader. My boldness acted as a magnet and drew people to me. Others boys saw qualities in me which they lacked in themselves, and by associating with me they hoped that some of my spirit would rub off on them. And it did. It worked. Boys who I allowed into my circle would walk with a swagger and increased confidence. When they saw me making bold moves, it would inspire them to do likewise. That's the kind of energy I gave off.

What kind of energy do you give off? Fear or confidence? Cowardice or defiance? We all have a choice of which type of energy we want to embrace. Which type of energy we want to allow into our hearts, and thus determine our actions. And most crucially, which type of energy we pass on to others. Because your energy is infectious. Remember that. If you want to see more defiance and bravery in people, then YOU must be defiant and brave. You have to be the change that you want to see. To my brothers/sisters of faith (irrespective of which religion)- do you walk with fear in your heart, or with God in your heart? Because with God in your heart fear has no room to breathe.

All power in the physical world is distilled from will and intent. ALL POWER! Who's will is greater- ours or theirs? Don't obsess over their intent- because that only gives way to fear. And fear is the currency of control. Obsess over our intent! It's not we who should fear what they would do to us, but they who fear what we will do to them!  They are cowards. They don't impress me at all. Why do they want to create a world full of sheep? Because they can't survive among Lions! Think about it!

They're weak. Smart, yes. But weak. I mean, when you look at Bill Gates do you feel intimidated? 😂 We have the numbers and we have the will, we just need to be creative and smart, and we will win!



lol Hatman was creating his own movement


Ooh proof please Paul 🏋️‍♂️ sounds interesting.