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Did anyone see that video of Khabib wrestling a cub bear when he was about 8 years old? Bit contervtial, but no wonder he's such a boss on the matt!

Devon Sinclair

Hatman I disagree with a few thing you said. First of all you say boxers are much bigger names than UFC fighters which is totally untrue. All you have to do is look at social media followers for ufc fighters and compare them to boxers and you will be shocked. Huge champions in boxing have less than a 100k followers and that's the majority of boxers. Nowadays when I talk to random people on the street most of them know ufc fighters and talk about ufc more than boxing. You say boxing has big fights but I've been watching boxing since around 2009 and since then boxing only had what 3 undisputed champions? That's crazy. The belts in boxing means you never actually know who the best fighter is in the divison unless they unify because the rankings and mandatories in boxing mean nothing. I know you say the UFC champions aren't undisputed but one thing you can't deny is that the UFC has 99% of the best man fighters and within the ufc the champion fights the number 1 contenders all the time and I mean real 1 contenders not boxing contenders. If you look at YouTube views for interviews, promotion, free fights the ufc blows boxing out of this world when it comes to numbers. You say Canelo, AJ and Fury are huge names and no one in mma comes close but the number say different. How is Canelo such a big superstar? I've never heard anyone mention his name in the UK when it comes to general public and when I do bring him up crickets but I can to talk to a random guy and he knows Mcregor, he knows Khabib, he knows Diaz, Brock Lesnar etc. The UFC format would a milion percent benefit boxing as long as whoever is running the show is a moraly superior person than Dana White. I also hear this pay busllhit but I can easily expose the boxing pay bubble that boxing fans like to bring up. If you get into the ufc, you are paid what is is 10k to show and another 10k to win plus chance for bonuses and that's for people who just got into the ufc and that's usually a 3 fight deal. There are fighters in the ufc who have never come close to becoming champions but because they have been in the ufc for a while they have good contracts like 800k to show 300k to win and these guys fight 3 times a year plus get ppv points. I could watch the biggest boxing card of the year and there will be people on the under-card getting paid 1k or 2k or a Mayweather under-card. Yeah in boxing a few names make huge money but overall in boxing you only really make money if you are a champion or you have a huge following in your country which is like 3 fighters in the whole sport of boxing. I love boxing but the belts, the milion weight classes have taken away from what made boxing great in the first place. You guys think Wilder made a milion pounds before he fought Stiverne? How many fights did Wilder have before he fought for the belt? Was it like 40? So in 40 fights in boxing he hasn't made a milion and he was ranked a top 20 fighter for a long time and you telling me boxers get paid more? If someone had 40 fights in the ufc even if they haven't fought for a belt they would be multi millionaires which the ufc has many fighters of but you only hear the negative stories of some fighters complaining who are not draws complaining. Guess what if you are a champion in boxing and you ain't a draw you ain't making money too. I watch both sports religiously and the UFC format would make boxing a mainstream sport again but with good leadership. Whenever people fall out with religion it's not God they have fallen out with its people who ruined the religious experience for them same way Dana White has put you off the UFC format Hatman. Forget the Ufc, look at boxing when their format was closer to ufc back in the days and it was a massive sport and look at modern boxing with the belts and milion champions and as boxing fans all we do is compare how the "champions" do againts piss poor contenders and compare which champion smashed them better and then we fantasize about how the two champions would do againts each other based on their mismatches againts low level opposition. I mean we been talking about Wilder and Joshua fighting for half a decade now and by the time they do fight if they do it's a low standard product. Wilder is closer to 40 than to 30, been battered and Joshua was beat too and looks vulnerable. The time when they both looked like monsters and the fight would have been huge is gone forever and that's the pattern in boxing that has slowly declined the quality of the sport whether you admit it or not Hatman.


I'm an MMA casual, hence you definitely know a lot more about it than me. Khabib does have more Insta followers than AJ (although AJ has more Twitter followers), but maybe UFC guys buy a lot of followers? The reason I say that is because their social media followers don't translate to PPV sales. Check this articlehttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pay-per-view and compare the boxing PPV numbers (and revenue) to UFC. Boxing is way ahead, it's not even close. Out of the top 30 UFC PPV's of all time, Khabib has only featured in one of them (against McGregor). So I just don't see the evidence for the top UFC guys being bigger. They're not doing the PPV numbers of the top guys in boxing, and they're not getting paid anywhere near as much. I do agree that boxing is very top-heavy, and in UFC the money is more evenly spread. Boxing has more of a capitalist structure where if you're really good and really popular there's almost no limit to the amount of money you can earn. Whereas UFC is more of a communist structure, where they spread the money around more, but there's a much lower ceiling in terms of how much the top guys can make. And there's no chance for UFC guys to become bigger than the UFC its self, whereas in boxing the top fighters can become truly empowered. Just look at Mayweather and even Cotto towards the end of their careers. AJ, Whtye, etc 'owning' their shows, getting to decide everything from who's on the card, to how much the tickets cost, to how the budget is spent. UFC fighters never get that level of power. It's all businessmen controlling everything and the fighters are like servants. There's been countless UFC fighters over the years who have complained about how underpaid they are, from Tito Ortiz, Rampage Jackson, and even McGregor complained that White etc take way too much money. I prefer the structure of boxing because it empowers the fighters more, if they're good enough. And as far as UFC having 99% of the best fighters- I don't see how anyone could know that unless they were regularly fighting champions from other MMA companies.