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Devon Sinclair

Hatman you would be a good dictator not gonna lie lol. At the end when you was gassing us up for being different it sounded like some dictator getting the nation ready for war. 'We are different!' 'We are superior'. It feels good to be part of a group with like minded people but I see similarities between us and the normies too when it comes to our emotional needs. We both wanna feel like we are part of something bigger than ourselves but our philosophies are way different. I guess similar minded people attract each other with their energies. Us divergent thinkers have a completely different energy about us than normies and vice versa and that's why we struggle to get along. They feel good together in their own groups as they all on the same vibe/frequency and that's why when one of us tries to tell them somehting it's like we are jamming their frequencies so they get upset the same way we get upset with them. Our energies are just not supposed to mix but we have a much greater ability to absorb their energy than they can ours. We understand they are normies so we kind of forgive them whereas they don't understand why we are the way we are, why we are different, why we can't just go along and as soon as they detect you are not one of them they look for a way out very quickly.


This year I have learned not to absorb the energy around me and instead just vibrate at a higher frequency.Everyone wearing masks around me has made me a stronger individual as now everyone around me is just the same in the sea of masks.I hold my head up high like a king and transcend that shit. The effect I’m having on other people is noticeable as well.I have bumped into people for the first time in months the are wearing masks and they see without one and they take it off after a minute or two cause they can feel I have no fear and it makes them go out of autopilot I guess. When I go to the supermarket I may get looks off shoppers but the staff have never been nicer to me.Every other bone mask wearer I have met said they have received loads of abuse-I have only had it once off a woman I have since named “Darth Karen”😂.She has a go at my mate in the shop screaming at him then she saw him at the till and went in again then saw me and screamed at me.I just very loudly said “leave me alone psychopath” you heard a large gasp of air in the shop “how do you know what condition I have got “ errr I don’t “well leave me alone then psychopath” completely destroyed and embarrassed her and she legged it off haha. When I go somewhere o just walk in and say I’m exempt sometimes I say I have CAD ( communist anxiety disorder 😂)

Devon Sinclair

Big up man I can relate for sure. Keep the same energy brother because being true to ourselves is the most important that matters, now more then ever.