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The establishment have clearly lost control of the narrative, and I think this is an attempt by them to try and take control back. I've long suspected Morgan is far more than just a presenter, but is, in fact, some type of establishment operative, working for Mi5 or some similar organisation.

I have no proof of this, but we do know for a fact that there have been journalists and TV presenters in the past who were intelligence assets. Jon Snow, of channel 4 news fame, spoke publicly about how he was approached by Mi5 in the 1970's and offered money to spy on his colleagues. He claims he turned them down. But how many other people in the media received similar offers and didn't turn them down?

I strongly suspect Morgan is one of them. He's a scumbag of the highest order, and will stop at nothing to perpetuate establishment propaganda. When the truth comes out (and it will), and the inquiry happens, Piers Morgan needs to go to prison for the rest of his life. Solitary confinement.



Hatman, looking into someone’s eyes tells a lot as you say. Does that apply to people you see on the internet or only in person? If the former, what do you see in Pier’s eyes?


It’s all back firing on them now it’s great to watch lol