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Yo Hatman could you share some of your sources that expose the scamdemic?


There are literally thousands of sources at this point. I couldn't possibly sum them up, because there are far too many. It started off with Professor John Ioannidis & Professor Sucharit Bahkdi who exposed how the 3.4% death rate was total bullshit back in April, and it grew exponentially from there. Now there are literally thousands of scientists and doctors speaking out, worldwide. Loads of different studies published from Standford University, Oxford University, and many other top institutions around the world. If you haven't looked at any of the evidence before yourself, and you're literally starting from scratch, then maybe start with https://off-guardian.org and https://lockdownsceptics.org as they have a repository of sourced articles. Also James Corbett's YouTube channel. His videos are always extremely well researched and he provides sources for every episode https://www.youtube.com/user/corbettreport


Thanks a lot. Will check it out