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A few comments from the Financial Times comments section I thought might interest people.  Apologies if you have gone through this stuff already, and apologies for taking up so much room with them  1)  "There is no vaccine against the common cold because common cold is caused by a variety of viruses, including rhinovirus, parainfluenza virus, adenoviruses, coronaviruses, RSV, enteroviruses et j’en passe. The most frequently occurring virus (rhinovirus) has 99 known serotypes, meaning humans develop different antibodies against different strains, and immunity against one serotype does not protect against another serotype.  As you see, it is technically extremely challenging to develop a vaccine for this since it would need to cover the vast majority of these very different organisms. That’s really all there is to it." 2)  "Anybody who says things like “We don’t have herd immunity to the common cold”  or “We don’t have a vaccine for the common cold” is outing themselves as a person who nothing about infectious disease, or vaccines. “The common cold” isn't a disease. It's a collection of different diseases caused by several hundred different, often unrelated pathogens, that we lump together under that name because they cause similar symptoms. So you will never have "a vaccine" for “the common cold” because immune response (and thus vaccines) are specific to a single pathogen or closely-related group of pathogens. Nobody is going to pay for hundreds of different vaccinations just to prevent them getting a cold. This is also why you do not develop immunity to “the common cold” because even if you develop immunity to one cold-causing virus there are plenty of others than can infect you and give you another cold." 3)  "Profitability drives research, at least to some extent. A pharma company finding the cure for the common cold would make gazillions. If it hasn't happened yet, it mustn't be so easy." 4)  "Why are you so hell-bent on comparing Sweden to its “Nordic Neighbours”?    Sweden is not Norway, Finland, or Denmark, it is just close to them on Google maps.  Sweden’s population is concentrated in a few densely-populated regions....social “reforms” have undermined its “Scaninavian model” and created precarious neighbourhoods, which could become tinderboxes if a lockdown has to be enforced. To say Sweden is closer to the Netherlands than to Finland in social, economic, and political terms is too much to explain in a comments column which dares not deviate from the dogma that “Sweden sacrificed its population". Sweden could soon be the one European country which actually does achieve herd immunity. The fact that Britain‘s attempt to reach this ended in disaster does not discredit the concept. (Since when is the world measured relative to Boris Johnson?) Don’t forget that, after all, distributing a vaccine is actually just a way of accelerating the creation of herd immunity.  If you want to do something against the spread of the virus, act against social inequality, act against pollution, against unsafe working conditions. Make sure there is good access to health care. All those things that have been neglected for too long. You can actually draw a map of social injustice in Europe that matches the distribution of covid-19 cases. Which, incidentally, is also why Sweden does worse than its neighbours."


😅 Spot on 👌🏾