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Only 307 healthy people below the age of 60 have died WITH- not even necessarily of -covid in the UK. The average age of death of covid patients is 81, which is actually a year OLDER than the average life expectancy lol. The World Health Organisation death rate of 3.4% has long been discredited. The CDC believe it to be around 0.26%. The Imperial Collage computer model projections -which Matt Hancock is still treating as Gospel- have also long been discredited. Their model predicted 84,000 deaths for Sweden, 134,000 deaths for Japan without a lockdown. They've ended up with 5,600, and 1,500 deaths respectively. Lockdown hypocrite Neil Ferguson & co were off by a factor of 12 for Sweden, and well over a hundred for Japan. They weren't even remotely close. Yet Hancock keeps claiming hundreds of thousands will die without lockdown, which is his rationale for destroying the country.

The hospitality industry has been wrecked. The travel industry is on its knees. Cineworld is on the brink of going bust, with thousands of UK job losses. I've just watched an interview with Steve McNamara, the General Secretary of the Taxi Drivers Association. He essentially said the government is doing absolutely everything in their power to not only destroy the taxi industry, but make it extremely difficult for most other industries, due to arbitrary road and lane closures all over the city. Lockdown restrictions are destroying entire industries. Anyone with more than an ounce of common sense (a small percentage of the population, sadly) will have figured out that this is not "collateral damage" in the fight against covid, but it's the actual objective! It is a systematic obliteration of the existing economy, so a tiny handful of mega corporations can rebuild it to their liking, and on their terms.

Anyone who thinks lockdowns can be justified at this stage is either outrageously ignorant,  unfathomably stupid, utterly psychotic, or chillingly selfish to the point of extreme narcissism and borderline psychopathy. These people are extremely dangerous. They are enemies of freedom, enemies of liberty, and -either wittingly or unwittingly- are agents of tyranny.

I know some people feel uneasy and conflicted when I use this type of language, because we all have friends, family members, work colleagues, neighbours, who fit into that category. But I just cannot make a case for these people anymore. Their pathological ignorance, stupidity, & selfishness far outweigh any positive attributes they may have. They are HAPPY to see BILLIONS fall into destitution, ill health & despair, & for liberty to be destroyed, in order to satisfy the delusions of their psychotic fantasy. They simply cannot be relied upon or trusted, vis-a-vis the film 1984 where Winston's own children snitch on him. I have cut these people out of my life like the cancer they are. I am NOT suggesting everyone else do the same. We all have to make our own personal assessment and act accordingly. But from my personal perspective, their position in my life is untenable. I do not want that kind of dark energy around me.



A lot of my family members attitude towards the plandemic and lockdown have been nothing short of disgraceful. One during the start of this scam was actively promoting fear on the whatsapp family group, to the point someone told her to stop as she was scaring the children. Another believes that masks should be made mandatory everywhere. There is also a third year medic who believes lockdown is necessary, should be extended, government is not making enough restrictions. When I asked her what about all those cancer patients that cant get treated, she said thats ok because covid is more dangerous than cancer!!!


This world really is insane. This saga is one of the greatest tests of character imaginable. I never thought that I'd have such disdain for some of my loved ones and a permanent separation will be the best remedy in some instances. On this note, my Uncle's wife - who is a perpetual virtue signaller and suspected narcissist - recently posted some utter crud on Instagram. My Granddad, who is a 78 year old black man apparently tested positive for 'The Big C' and despite not showing any symptoms and feeling perfectly fine, my uncle's wife posted a picture of him with the caption "Covid Survivor".... My Granddad is as tough as old boot but let's be real, surviving Covid-19 isn't particularly difficult. Hatman is right when he says that some people lead such mundane and unfulfilling lives that they are indulging in the fearmongering and praying that the apocalypse is coming! Quite sad really.


It is shocking that a third year medic could think covid is more dangerous than cancer. What on earth are they teaching them??? Anyone can do 10 minutes of research and discover cancer is far more dangerous, as is heart disease and many other illnesses.