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That dialogue at the end about the humanity of normies vs where we view ourselves👌🏽. I had a very similar conversation earlier this week and have to say I completely agree. With the added fact that there are normies within our own ranks so don’t confuse us with them. I remember in school there were kids that used to wear their ties short (shorter than was expected). I asked them why. They would say it’s just different to the norm. One day I highlighted to the group that it’s different to the majority but it’s the same as the minority. “You want to be different but u want to be the same”. This isn’t directly relatable but bears similarities to anti establishment. We fall into thy category because we don’t like a lot of what goes on but if the establishment was better many of us wouldn’t have an issue with it. We must realise that there will be normies even in the powerful elite circles. Only a few can realistically analyse things and reach a meaningful and logical assessments that can stand the test of time. Even fewer can then live by that code. As Hatman says if we are those people we can’t view ourselves the same as a normy. We have more value. That doesn’t mean that we think we should mean more to them or their families. It just means that we see ourselves for what we are. There is such thing as being a better human as there is being a better boxer or actor. The difference being thy being a human isn’t a game or act. It’s what it all really boils down to so we should be happier and quicker to applaud people for this than any other thing instead of feeling like it’s some type of taboo


Hatman I can imagine you randomly laughing to yourself throughout the day as the thought of Chris delias Eminem impression pops into you’re head 🤣