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'Actual deaths due to COVID are some 54% or 63% lower than implied by the standard excess deaths measure.' 

'Over the lockdown period as a whole Government policy has increased mortality rather than reduced it.'

The evidence that the number of Covid deaths is massively exaggerated is overwhelming at this point, and this study is just the latest piece in a mountainous pile.

Anyone who still can't see that this Covid thing is a scam, is a monumental fucking shit-house. These pathological propaganda junkies are going to march humanity into a technocratic tyranny the likes of which the world has never seen.


School of Business and Economics

A new study by academics at the School of Business and Economics and The University of Sheffield, and economic consultants at Economic Insight, seeks to provide a more statistically robust approach to the question: "How many deaths in England and Wales are due to COVID-19?".



Wow , i found the Paper study you are referring to Hatman , going to take some time out to read it . Very interesting to actually be able to study the figures in one place . Great job ! How on earth did you become aware of this information ? Thank you


Where is the full paper? Can't access it