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Unicef warns lockdown could kill more than Covid-19 as model predicts 1.2 million child deaths

The risk of children dying from malaria, pneumonia or diarrhoea in developing countries is spiralling due to the pandemic and "far outweighs any threat presented by the coronavirus", Unicef has warned. In an exclusive interview Dr Stefan Peterson, chief of health at Unicef, cautioned that the blanket lockdowns imposed in many low and middle income are not an effective way to control Covid-19 and could have deadly repercussions.



Hahah interesting that yall still have a choice when it comes to wearing masks. Try living in a country where there's a instant $300 fine for not wearing a mask in public, no exceptions 😂


Yeah, extrajudicial punishment has become a thing over there since Duterte became president. From what I understand he's still popular there though. The psychology behind it is rather similar to what it's like with trump supporters, he's seen as that tough leader who doesn't mess around when it comes to getting things done and doesn't care about being politically correct