Yeah, no shit Sherlock! (Patreon)
I've been saying this for MONTHS! Anyone with an ounce of common sense, capable of logical deduction, could have looked at the data and how it was collected, just as I did, and reached the exact same (blatantly obvious) conclusion. It really doesn't take a genius, folks. It just takes some clear headed, rational, objectivity. It's astonishing how many "educated" people seemingly have none of that whatsoever with regards to covid.
This story will bring SOME normies around, but isn't disturbing how they need to hear from an "authority figure" before they'll believe something? They have literally given away their right to THINK for themselves, and they ATTACK anyone who has the audacity to do so.
The two academics cited in the article are Professor Carl Heneghan, and Dr Jason Oke of Oxford University.