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Lord Jamar interview https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TWRNBUP7gro

***In the early stages of the 'movement', Lord Jamar might be correct in saying that 'the majority of looters (in some cities) might have been white, but I certainly don't think it's the case now. I think the majority of looters soon became black, and were really just opportunists looking for "free stuff" as Lord Jamar pointed out***



I get so much heat for saying this including the usual racist bollocks, but I think the main change needs to come from within the black community. That means taking responsibility and not making excuses and being self-victimized all the time. Of course racism exists, but blaming society and stomping your feet all the time... and of course allowing white liberals to demean you by being your saviours.


Racism has been given a new definition by the Academic Race Theorists which is racial discrimination plus power. Words have been stripped and given meanings that suit agendas. A word like racism, in my opinion, is useless. You need to believe in the theory for the word to be meaningful, and by using the word, one implicitly accepts the theory. Therefore, I don't believe in racism and I don't use the word. Not liking someone because of their race, is personal preference.


Similarly, with discrimination. We discriminate all the time, a perfectly natural, healthy exercise. But its meaning has been changed to suit a political agenda. What's the agenda? To invert the authority of the traditional elite, by establishing a scale of victimhood (instead of excellence) - hence why black peoples' sense of victimhood is essential to the new moral order - and why BLM is highly useful for the emergent Progressive Elite... Yet most people, if you say, Don't be Discriminatory, they will stop thinking. What's going on? Because the meaning of the word has been changed to 'cancel' a person's natural instincts, yet they know (through indoctrination) it is wrong, and the cognitive dissonance leaves them unable to think properly. What's the alternative to 'discrimination'? (As a moral term.) It is treating people well or treating people badly, simple as that.