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Lord McCormick

A curve ball for you all... In may 1951, one year into the korean war! Frances p wall a PFC ( private first class) was tasked with his squad to offer fire support and protection to a brigade of field artillery that was about to engage the town of chorwon... where large numbers of north korean troops had withdrawn to less be cut off from a pincer counter attack- At dawn the battery opened up! ( the towns folks had been warned and most had fled) And rained hell on the town. What happened over the next few hours Has become folk-law in the US military And i heard this from my dad who was flying F4 phantoms during this war. At first speculation was that this was a soviet secret weapon, but when this tech never showed up in soviet inventory that was dismissed- Shortly after the men of the 25 infantry division, 27 regiment,2nd battalion started falling ill- So many men that the US military had to build a road to get the sick men out- They where found to have high white blood cells and had been exposed to huge levels of gamma radiation. The night the US army fought a UFO!! https://www.history.com/news/korean-war-us-army-ufo-attack-illness

Lord McCormick

Well well well! One of the most iconic images ever caught on film! That of the soldier placing the soviet flag over ruins of Berlin has been banned on many platforms- “What would be gained if the world was to know that the soviets had the strength to rip the guts from the Wehrmacht- what would be gained!? “ -Winston Churchill And these people that want to re write history- Are always first to claim fake news!