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The very man who's been banging on about how "deadly" COVID-19 is. The man who ABSURDLY compared it to the Spanish flu, and even more ABSURDLY claimed 500,000 people would die in the UK unless there was strict lockdown, has himself been caught FLOUTING the lockdown! Loooool

Some are reacting with horror, like "how could he break the lockdown knowing how deadly this virus is"??? No mate, ELEPHANT IN THE LIVING ROOM, he broke lockdown because he knows how deadly this virus ISN'T! All the scientific studies coming out from all over the world are again and again confirming it has the same mortality rate as standard flu! THAT is why he broke the very lockdown which he was part of implementing!


Neil Ferguson: coronavirus adviser quits after breaking lockdown with mistress

The scientist whose coronavirus research prompted the lockdown was forced to resign from his role advising the government last night after breaking social-distancing rules to meet his married lover. Neil Ferguson said he had made an "error of judgment" in allowing Antonia Staats to visit him at his home in London on at least two occasions since the restrictions were put in place.



Just seen that apparently black people are 4 times more likely to die from coronavirus a new study shows. Where do they find these studies.


Hatman, this is saying bill gates patent the Coronavirus https://youtu.be/XPfLWrGzABQ