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Box Out

Yes please Hatman. A voice of sanity through the deafening noise of hysterical madness ✊🏽


FACE IT!! No one knows exactly what’s going on it’s all speculation. I know of at least 7 people who have died and tested positive for corona. YES I know at least two of them had pre existing conditions I.e. Asthma. BUT THATS NOT THE POINT, as they would probably still be alive if it wasn’t for Covid-19 What about Anthony Yard ? Go tell him this is all media hype. The elderly those with pre-existing illness are particularly at risk. Therefore you should take pre caution for your family members. You could have million interviews and articles if you choose to ignore this and treat it like a normal flu and give it to someone that’s on you. I personally treat this situation seriously not for me but for my parents and grandparents. # I’m pissed at everyone thinking they know something. You all don’t know shit!

Box Out

We are here because we want to use our brains. In case you didn't know it, Einstein's theory of relativity was just an idea, a thought, speculation. Tell me how you propose we get you evidence, facts and proof that this situation is disproportionate, unreasonable, dictatorial, and wrong in a free, democratic society? We THINK it is, based on common sense, life experience, free and critical thinking, and intuition. For your information, people die every day. Of bad viruses and all other types of diseases. People die young and old of all types of things at all types of times, suddenly and slowly. Just because they call it corona today - yesterday it would have been TB, Spanish flu, swine flu, SARS, or pneumonia. All of these are deadly to some. No one is denying the virus kills people. We are saying it kills just like any other virus or disease and the response to it is disproportionate and dictatorial. If you can't see this - I can't help you #gobacktosleep