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The media & "experts" are actively encouraging people to panic- which is grossly irresponsible at best, & deeply sinister at worst. Panic helps no one, & only makes things worse. The way the media are carrying on you'd think it was the zombie apocalypse. And the fact there are people defending this blatant fear mongering just goes to show foolish most human beings actually are.

Social engineers (powerful people who specialise in manipulating human psychology, & therefore behaviour) are king in this world, & always have been. The media, academia, the medical profession ALL take their dictates from such people. They can get doctors & other "experts" to say whatever the hell they want them to say; it's all about who controls the information & who signs the checks. E.g- Eugenics "doctors" in early 20th century America, or German scientists parroting "master race" propaganda in the 1930's. Or how about doctors in the 50's promoting cigarettes as "healthy", or governments claiming asbestos was "safe" decades after they knew it was deadly. Everything is political. Yes, everything! Science, academia, media- the lot. Hence why taking someone's word as gospel just because they're a "doctor" (etc) is pure stupidity. Besides, I've heard some doctors in the past week who say this Coronavirus is over-hyped. The point is, you have your own mind- USE IT. DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH, use your own discernment, & DO NOT let others think for you.

In 40 years living on this earth, I've travelled all over the world, including to many third world countries which have diseases way more deadly & prevalent than Coronavirus, yet I wasn't afraid. I wasn't hiding under my bed with a face mask on, covering my entire body in hand gel, refusing to answer the door to anyone. Malaria alone kills someone every 10 seconds in Africa. Not to mention the plague (yes they still have it there), Ebola, typhoid, HIV/AIDS, yellow fever, and all manner of other diseases. Are all of you terrified of going to Africa now? Will you be packing your Hazmat suit if you do go?

Coronavirus is a real disease, but the response to it is massively disproportionate to the actual threat. The statistics of how many people actually die from it simply comes down to which box a doctor decides to tick on a form, under the "advice" (orders?) of the government, NOT their own discernment. How many of you know that in 2009 CBS News ran a story which revealed that "swine flu" cases had been massively overestimated? Millions of people thought to have had it, didn't actually have it. Most people claimed to have died from Coronavirus are elderly people with preexisting health conditions. Who's to say some (or many) of these people didn't actually die of something else? Do you know how they're actually testing for it? Have you researched it for yourself?

I posted a video earlier from The Guardian's YouTube channel showing residents in Wuhan, China, screaming at government officials "It's all fake! Everything is fake"! Just think about that- supposedly the worst affected region on earth, & the some of the residents are screaming "It's all fake"! That should get any critically thinking person to at least raise an eyebrow. I'm certainly not saying "it's all fake", but I've seen more than enough to strongly suspect there are social engineering shenanigans going on here. China of course, being the global leaders in "Orwellian" social engineering, provide inspiration to governments worldwide.

Several months ago, long before this Corona scare, I was talking about how the social engineers want to get rid of cash, introduce mandatory vaccinations, & gain much greater control over the population, worldwide. Some people in the alternative media have been saying this for literally decades. Corona gives them a mandate to do all those things. Just when the public were staring to become numb to terror attacks, in comes Coronavirus. Coincidence? Isn't it amazing the way all these coincidences always benefit those in power? They ALWAYS result in them gaining more power.



I can’t be sure, but this all feels like Fuckery. They could keep this going for as long as they like. It feels like we’ve just stepped through the door into an overt police state.


Lots of celebrities and politicians are getting it now, lots of sports events cancelled.