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One thing about Dahmer, despite all he did, he didn't torture people or animals sadistically - compared to some other Serial Killers he wasn't the worst  He claimed after the first killing he tried to refrain from killing again, and did so I think for about a decade.  There seems some sincerity to this.  No surprise at least 1 of his parents were mental, that is a regularly recurring theme with Serial Killers.    There is an alcohol problem within the gay community - you could ask people from it why this is the case.  My guess, there is a lot to deal with in an often hostile society.  Even today, say in liberal London, and you are from a more traditional community, is it cool to say you are gay?  So still a lot of people suffering, a lot of pressure and heavy troubles to deal with. These Serial KIllers seem to tap into something primeval, something very basic, perhaps how to do true rituals, because they have freed themselves from society's constraints, and do as they desire.  You see an animal like a dog or cat - they are totally natural. But humans screw themselves up with thinking - these Serial Killers have freed themselves from some of that.  But then you can see the problems in that.  Nietzsche says the animals look at Man and pity him - they call him the insane animal.  I wonder does black magic ritual come from the same basic roots of people who have done bad, and truly know it, then it is elaborated on by others removed from the original crimes.  If true, then does good prayer and ritual come from some original source of very good people? Finally, I think most Serial Killers are uninteresting people.  Dahmer like Bundy, are of more interest.  You read about Albert Fish?     


I'll be honest the stuff about the acid in the brain makes me want to throw up.