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I looked up phenotype & it's exactly what I said it was- the physical result of interactions with the environment. When a group of people are living in a certain climate, on a certain diet, with a certain lifestyle, over a number of years it will manifest certain physical traits AKA a phenotype. Perhaps you misunderstood the way I explained it, not sure, but that's what I was trying to get across.

And therefore when it comes to diet, I think the most logical approach is to adopt a diet conducive with one's phenotype. Eg; a western European should eat plants & animals native to western Europe, use naive native medicinal herbs, etc. That makes far more sense to me than the 'one size fits all' vegan approach many people are choosing to adopt now. When people keep animals as pets, that is how they're told to keep them- on a diet very similar to what they'd have in their natural habitat.




You also got the epigenome which has been recently discovered where genes produced from the genotype can be turned off due to methylation where essentially it tightens the DNA to an extent where the transcription factors cannot bind (Can't produce the polypeptide for enzyme/protein).