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My lil brother was born in 2002, he was vaccinated with the MMR in 2004 and he was diagnosed with autism the day after he was vaccinated. He went from a 2 year old who could speak, say names and etc to a nonverbal autistic child. He is 17 today and he still non verbal and autistic. The idea that we need vaccines is the biggest load of shit ever. We been on this planet for tens of thousands of years without vaccines


This is a great topic, especially with the powers that be starting to crack down on any dissent when it comes to the topic of vaccines. My wife and I had our first child in 2017, and after a lot of research we have made the decision not to give our son vaccines. We live in the US and there even some states staying to make vaccines mandatory. I’m in my 30’s and received a handful of vaccines growing up. Not the dozens and dozens given now.