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Thanks for the shoutout Hatman – good things come to…so I’ll stay tuned for it. Your comments regarding ‘modern women’ remind me of a night I went out with a mate of mine and we hit one of the local clubs (this would be 15 years back). He was on leave from the army and so it was a case of getting as wild and drunk as we could at the time before he went back to the South. Anyway he approaches this girl who I have to say represented him batting slightly above his average and quite unbelievably within a matter of minutes the deal was done and cabs were being called – I had a spare room back at mine so the two of them jumped in there and I left them to it. Being a proper ‘team player’ I of course was left with the task of obliging this girl’s much less attractive friend, but them’s the breaks I guess. No I in team and all that. Anyway the girls say their goodbyes the following morning and my pal and I head off for brunch somewhere. Somewhat bewildered I asked him how he’d managed to pull this girl with relative ease and he explained that when she’d asked him what he did for a living he’d lied and told her he was a pilot in the RAF. This had led her to pretty much immediately want to leap into bed with him. Had he given the truthful answer (he was a rank and file squaddie) I very much doubt he’d have been ‘going over the top’ that night, pun very much intended. A hilarious illumination of the sort of shallowness that you were alluding to here…


Great content keep it coming