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Daz, you don't seem to offer an alternative to the reasons why bullies are bullies, but simply call a logical psychological aspect a myth. Furthermore you simply disregard very poor character, as "We all make mistakes, when young..."., which is quite frankly casting aside a weak minded mentality as a mistake made[due to inexperience]. You give us your story, but truth be told, it seems like you never actually reflected on the roles of your antagonizers, but your own role. Lastly your story seems more to reflect popularity circles/cliques, rather than actual bullying.


Interesting account/window into the perspective of the bully! I could certainly appreciate how there is likely sympathy to be found, for a lot of bullies- certainly in developmental stages!- and my growth as a person, has definitely allowed me to be open to appreciating their view! BUT, I think whereby victimiation of others is being perpetrated, this is the natural position that has to be tended to, and addressed first, in most instances (and/or, the sympathy first has to be allocated, here!)... But, aye, it;s definitely of value to try and treat the bully, too, as an holistic follow on, in many youth cases, on the bigger, social level, as well as to personally help that person, too!! Beyond that, and these patterns are liable to become more hardwired, and become parts of personality disorders etc, that may not be so easy, if actually impossible, at that stage, to work with, I would imagine! P.s.// I had suspected, in your inclination to defend Adonis Stevenson, in the wake of his recent, unfortunate, traumatic brain injury, suffered in his world title fight, against Gvozdyk, That you had some personal connection to that arena of circumstances, given how you wanted to focus only on his past deeds being 20 plus years ago, and the sentiment that he had done his time for those transgressions, and was rehabilitated! To me, this was quite jarring in that you seemed to be losing major objectivity, in just nailing your colours to the mast, on this position, and seemingly ignoring the testimonies of the defence, that have circulated, that allege some very disturbing, and tormentuous abuse, perpetrated, by him, and/or, the gang running the pimping gig, he was a part of!! *This is only to say, as an objective person, that, wothout more information (that might support, or discredit this account), Thgis is pretty sinister material one has to hold in judgement abeyance (and, if true, and unable to be prosecuted for, might well mean he couldn't really be considered to have served his time, for such crimes, and, opens very real debate as to whether he's made up for those/could make up for such negatively impactful actions, on the lives of the victims, involved!!) It had then occurred to be, that, in tandem with some of your background allusions, in your Bouncer series, etc, That maybe this hit home with yourself, significantly, somehow??! Hence, going back and listening to this podcast has been intersting for me, on this level, too, as I feel there probably is something to that suspicion- not that I'm judging you, btw!- even if that is just limited to these juvenile growing pains!