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Apologies to Raja Khan. I accidentally edited out my response to your question. I'll answer it in Thursday or next Tuesday's podcast.




British intelligence (mi5) colluded with loyalist paramilities and the RUC (police) to kill catholics. The troubles started because catholics protested for equal rights and were met with loyalist violence and aggression which led to hundreds of catholics being burned out of their homes in bombay Street, a few ira men who were a dormant organisation shot gun shots throughout the area to give the perception of a heavy presence and kept the loyalists at bay. We saw them as heros who saved many lives. Then in derry the British army opened fire and murdered 14 civilians who were at a civil rights protest.. Btw the catholics asked for the British troops to come in and protect them, the irony. The older Catholic men who I work with say they gripped off the street taking to a police station and beating, sometimes for days for information.. But these men knew nothing, simply born on the wrong side and tortured because of it, interned without trail. Catholics weren't allowed to vote in elections to change the direction of the country as you had to be a home owner to vote, no catholics owned a home outright, all tenants, meanwhile it was 1 house per vote, so Protestant landlords with 5 houses got 5 votes. Northern Ireland was created as a Protestant state for Protestant people. However it looks like the tide is turning and a united Ireland is looking all the more possible.


My Cousin joined the Free masons years ago. He always said it was just a group meeting to promote business. I need to read up on witchcraft too, I'm super keen to learn. Hatman, would you use witchcraft or join the freemasons and can ut be used for good with no repercussions?