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According to former Chief Crown Prosecutor for the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) nearly 90% of those convicted of child abuse offences and on the sex offenders register in the UK are white men. Furthermore, Jimmy Savile - the most prolific paedophile in British history - could not have abused hundreds of children over the course of several decades while in the public eye, unaided. Logical deduction and good old common sense tells us that. He was friends with Lord MtBatten (a known paedophile), Ted Heath (paedophile and alleged child killer), and Margaret Thatcher (who's cabinet was awash with paedophiles) to name just a few. Savile was just part of a much larger network, and neither he, nor any of its members have ever been tried or convicted, or become part of the child abuse statistics due to their power and influence. Countless other instances of child sex abuse by MP's have been uncovered- but once again, no one has ever been tried or convicted. Not even one person! And you don't think that's a problem? You don't think that's extremely odd? Wake up! Many brave British people- journalists and private citizens alike- have investigated these rings, often at great risk, but Tommy Robinson is not one of them. He only ever wants to investigate crimes where the perpetrators are Asian/Muslim because his objective from day one has always been to demonize that community. Selective outrage indeed.

Then we move onto the phenomenon of British child-sex tourism. Large numbers of white British paedophiles engage in child abuse overseas in third world countries where it is easier to escape detection. This problem has persisted for decades, and is so pervasive that several countries have demanded the UK government do more to stop it. Many British journalists and private citizens have investigated this issue, but once again, Tommy Robinson is not one of them- as he's only interested in investigating child abuse when the perpetrators are Asian/Muslim, not white.

Do I even need to mention the child abuse perpetuated by (mainly white) members of the Catholic Church on an industrial scale in Europe for centuries? Overkill? Well, you get the point.

And finally, we move onto the picture above. Tommy Robinson demonstrating his undying admiration for one of the most racist, corrupt, and genocidal intelligence agencies on earth. Coincidentally Tommy Robinson does not condemn their crimes, much less investigate them. Could it be because they're not Muslim? Hmm.

His selective outrage is literally outrageous. He's an agent provocateur who's entire MO is to further demonize an already maligned group in order to justify mass slaughter overseas. The greatest global threat to innocent life - especially those of children - is western imperialism, certainly not Islam. This is a fact. The respective body counts are not even remotely close. And this was still the case even prior to 'the war on terror' where other 'uncivilized' groups were the targets. Isn't it funny how the one's claiming to be civilised are the ones who start the most wars and do the most killing, decade after decade? I guess irony is lost on some people. This indisputable reality is ignored, glossed over, and swept under the rug in rather hideous fashion by far too many people.




Could you please do a podcast on how history has been distored, and truth labelled as conspiracy. We have seen example of this all the time. Recently i discovered that the Uk financed and provided weapons to Nazi Germany during the inter war years, ive also come across videos online which show american military personal fighting beside the taliban attacking pakistani soldiers in the tribal region of pakistan. The history we are taught at school is painted black and white and from s


As a white person I can't stand this piece of shit scumbag cum stain