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People keep telling me that some black/Asian people support Tommy Robinson as if that's going to convince me to reconsider my position on him. Some white people support ISIS, is that going to make you reconsider your position on them? The reality is the vast majority of black/Asian people do not support Tommy Robinson; the fact there is a few misguided souls who do is neither here nor there. When Tommy Robinson campaigns against elite white paedo groups with the same vigour he campaigns against Asian ones I might start taking him more seriously. His selective outrage is outrageously blatant.

The reality is, the vast majority of victims of paedophilia are abused by members of their own race. Most white victims are abused by white men, most black victims by black men, etc- this is the reality. White children are statistically at far greater risk from white paedophiles than they are from Asian ones- but you'd never know this if you listen to the likes of Tommy Robinson and his ilk. And as previously stated- members of Asian grooming are being prosecuted, whereas not even one member of a white elite paedo ring has ever been prosecuted. Now that is the real elephant in the living room which people are refusing to acknowledge. The victims are vilified and silenced while the perpetrators go undetected for the entire duration of their lives- the Jimmy Savile case was a classic/typical example. Savile is known to have abused hundreds of children, but he was part of a much larger network who are likely to have abused hundreds if not thousands more. These rings operate with absolute impunity, and immunity- with 'footsoldiers' in children's homes, social services, scout groups, schools, etc- have been operating for far longer, and have abused far more kids than any Asian grooming gang ever has. Logical deduction and common sense can lead you to no other conclusion.

When Tommy Robinson, et al, start addressing this reality, then let me know. But until then- spare me his propaganda. I can see right through it.




Keith I really do not understand your way of thinking, you say the Quran implores Muslims to dominate non-Muslims yet the only domination I see is western governments dominating Muslim countries with military power, killing innocent men women and children for natural resource and causing an influx of migrants into western countries, but I guess because the west is doing this you turn a blind eye to it? Can you send me a verse in the Quran that backs up anything you have said about it? You then go on to talk about how Muslims are committing; crimes, Terrorism and rape, all things which the Quran states are not aloud and come under the 70 greatest sins in Islam.... so which one Isit Keith because the Quran isn’t telling certain people to commit these acts as the Quran is against these things! Why is the United Arab Emirates considered one of the safest places in the world when it comes to crime statistics? Way safer than the uk or America or most European countries? If Muslims are the cause of so much crime why are crime rates so low there? Why does that not fit your narrative? There’s good and bad in every race/religion. At the end of the day we are all people. Tommy Robinson seems to target a specific group of people and shed light on all the bad with in that people whilst ignoring the same bad done by other people of different races/religion, anybody who doesn’t see that is extremely naive.


The West is of course invading countries, bombing them, stealing resources, interfering in their governance, and so on. They have no rivals when it comes to this sort of thing. They tend to fuck shit up from the outside, whereas other groups do it from the inside. Most of what I said is pretty well-known to people familiar with the topic, and a simple search can show you the answers. I gave a link supporting some of my claims in my post. Also, see <a href="http://quranx.com/65.4?Context=3." rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://quranx.com/65.4?Context=3.</a> UAE isn’t representative of Muslim countries in general; see the following which is a study across several Muslim countries: <a href="https://www.thenational.ae/world/muslim-countries-have-highest-rates-of-suicide-murder-rape-and-mental-health-problems-1.618038." rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.thenational.ae/world/muslim-countries-have-highest-rates-of-suicide-murder-rape-and-mental-health-problems-1.618038.</a> I admit Robinson is a *little* selective with his targets, but so is everybody else, and there aren’t many people willing to do what he’s doing for obvious reasons. With him, I’m mostly interested in defending his rights, which are clearly being curbed. Note I’m not necessarily criticising Islam, as such, just saying what I believe to be true. I’m not necessarily saying what they’re doing is bad. Terrorism and the use of violence are often beneficial for groups and communities who practice it.