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Tommy Robinson on BBC Question time with Akala (another one who's no threat to the establishment). Robinson has also been on Paxman, Good Morning Britain with Piers Morgan, and other mainstream shows. He's been given a national platform to air his 'radical' views, and mainstream news coverage for years, and years, and years......and years. Anjem Choudary has also been on the BBC, Fox News, and many other mainstream platforms and allowed to air his radical views. The 'Afrocentric' Akala has been on just about everything! Perhaps you think this is 'freedom speech' at play, but I tend to think the deep state knows how dangerous free speech actually is. So instead, they give us our heroes so that they can contain any argument within predetermined parameters. This allows them to more accurately predict, and influence, the public's behaviour. Edward Bernays, the infamous "Father Of Propaganda" wrote books on this stuff.




Its true that the deep state are so secure that hardly anyone is a genuine threat, but what can we do in such a system? I cant see everyone as actors, someone like akala does what he can, he does some good within the limits set for all of us.


Right on cue - just as Robinson is jailed, Anjem Choudary is being released, or so it seems. What an incredible coincidence!!