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But yeah.. hes a terrrrrrrrible rapper.


Zoe he is feminine. He dresses feminine, and gives off a gay/feminine vibe. A lot of so called 'gangster rappers' are doing this. There's another one called Young Thug who wears dresses, women's earrings, and constantly drops hints that he's gay. He even released an album called 'I'm Gay' I believe. And this is supposed to be gangster rapper. Many of them are doing this- trying to feminize and himosexualise traditionally alpha male architypes. 20 years ago you would never have had gangster rappers dressing or behaving like Tekashi or Young Thug, or even Lil Wayne for that matter.


I’ve watched the same interview and I was actually quite impressed with the way he conducted himself, charmalaine who is one of the members of the breakfast club is known for embarrassing and acting rudely towards his guest but this kid more than held his own in that interview. I agree with Zoe he seems like he’s excellent at marketing himself by starting social media fights with other rappers, he seems to dress so outlandish and start fights over the internet as a way of being controversial in order to keep himself in the headlines almost like an internet troll (which is how he described himself in the breakfast club interview) I’m sure you are aware Hatman he recently had a fake internet beef with Adrien Broner before his fight with Vargas and then Broner walked out to this guys song!!! Haha, funny stuff really this guy just seems like a guy trying to be as controversial as possible in order to stay relevant.