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would like to hear your thoughts on american gang violence today.


Morning Hatman - a slightly 'edgy' topic. I wouldn't mind your views on the current obsession/hysteria over paedophiles and child abusers being perpetuated by the media. While it goes without saying that the abuse of kids by adults is always wrong, I can't help but think the masses are being fed a daily dose of 'nonce news' as a form of comfort food and a diversion. When you're basically fucking nothing a nailed-on way of feeling better is to latch onto some 'pariah group' in society and engage in a form of self-righteous indignation. Much like the feelings evoked by political or religious extremism it's a particular form of anger that simultaneously creates a sense of euphoria and wellbeing. Much like the 'she's a witch' nonsense of 400 years ago I'm in no doubt that wholly innocent people have gone to jail for things they came nowhere near doing, and wonder how this current phenomenon will be viewed by future generations.