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Schopenhauer is my man. Resonates with me. I remember you once touched upon the subject of how western society goes against nature. When i attended some Buddhist classes this became even more apparent to me. So many things in western society are designed to make us feel unfulfilled and miserable. We are in a perpetual state of chasing our tales. I just wondered what your thoughts were on this Hatman.


Hi Hatman , nice short on philosophy but look at the comments on Tax system ! I think you should do this one as a whole topic . Interesting philosophy with an opt in to certain tax areas of which you may require or believe in . Not really thought of of that before. I agree the current system feels like exstortion with very little relevance or acknowledgement for my personal contributions. Something for you to think about , we are a limited family company everything we sell we charge 20% vat and give that to HMRC . That’s a lot of dollar going into government coffers for doing nothing ! I mean there isn’t a TV program out there which doesn’t encourage the public not to barter or get money off the goods they buy of inderpendant stores and after the public have finished you still have to hand over 20 % vat to the gangster government ! After a full year of graft paying the staff providing jobs ( who in turn pay as they earn ) paying the bills rent electricity credit card merchants who take a cut , stock from suppliers we then have to pay another 20% on the profit you have made ! Double bubble . Money for nothing , we don’t get a thank you for it or a say on how the money is spent so your comments do make some sense . I believe in a helping hand to your fellow man if they fall on bad times and Lose their job or if your ill and need urgent treatment. We need the police schools and medical care so I don’t mind putting in for those services but is it fair ? I don’t think so . Now the big firms dodging tax is a different matter and the gangsters seem to have a good relationship with these mega wealth firms who throw their weight around . ( I think this fits within your philosophy of a business should be operated in its country of origin) again good point . That would prevent these complex tax dodges involving companies with satellite holding offices etc abroad. Don’t get me going on business rates either they don’t even give you a bin to take your rubbish away in the business rates you get nothing! So this additional tax for being a business is for what ? We all have paid tax as inderviduals already but they find a way to tax you again .Go for it hat man 👌