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What is left wing, the centre ground or right wing? For instance, some people call the BBC left wing and some call it right wing. With regards to Keir Starmer and the current Labour Party, most people regard them as towards the centre ground. That's where UK elections are nearly always fought and won from. Why? Because that's where the nation pretty much stands in terms of the voting population. With regards to Rishi Sunak, I'd suggest his ethnicity is nothing to do with it. The voting public care about things like health and social care, education, standards of living, cost of living, transport & infrastructure and often local issues such as polluted rivers and potholes. After 14 years of what the public perceive as failure - the reason Sunak will lose the election is because of the record and performance of his party, not because he's Asian. Comparing South African and British politics in terms of 'real opposition' is a misunderstanding of political stability or lack of. Opposition in a democracy isn't measured by assassinations or violence. In a stable climate it's measured by an exchange and argument of ideas and policies. South Africa is a young democracy with a turbulent history where criminal gangs have a foothold in politics. Similar things go on in Mexico and many other places around the world. It's a sign of an unstable environment. Obviously a difference of ideas and policies may coexist, but real opposition is the difference of ideas and the freedom to deeply challenge and ask searching questions of one another and society. This goes on in the UK parliament on a constant basis. Any violence or threat of such takes this freedom away and the right to oppose becomes weakened. With regards to tax - it's arguably a great thing. An economy should exist to serve the population. If you extract money from the economy by way of your labour or business accumen - you should pay a reasonable amount back into the pot. The flow of money in an efficient manner and evenly distributed way is what makes for a successful society. The personal ownership of money and wealth is in reality a flawed concept when looking at the bigger picture and considering what an economy is actually there for.


Really hyped about the pre Roman Britain episode