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Triple R

I was watching a hidden gem of a new podcast called "More Hope Less Cope" 2 young guys 1 Mexican American 1 African American very switched on, mad confident but laid back giving off popular crowd vibe like they didn't sound bitter but they spoke openly about modern young men's issues and added a few laughs because if you don't laugh you'll cry sadly there channel has disappeared man hope they return only had about 380 subs but swear they could have gone viral.

Crypt Torque

It's not very "feminist" for these women to shame older guys dating younger women, they're essentially saying young women are incapable of making their own decisions and nothing more than poor damsels in distress.

J Hurst

@hatman FYI , from what I have heard, savage Dan used to rob a lot of grow houses round London, no idea how he got into boxxer or even what his role is with them. I do find this interesting

Christian Louis

I got rejected by a woman who is a 2/10 at best and has a body count over 300. Dating right now is very hard.


When they say woman mature quicker than men I think they mean physically not psychologically. But even that’s down to the particular person because I developed much earlier than all the girls in my school.