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You come over seeking answers and re-discover the man who worships you.


The winning vote in the poll for this month's high tier audio was "Re-trying with an ex-boyfriend" I guess I was in a sweet mood but I think every choice is well justified and makes "Sexysense"

The story is inspired a lot by certain romance dynamics I've been seeing lately like Jealousy, protecting your partner's honour and those altogether values. We forget that this kind of belief, admiration and genuine interest in somebody can be some of the most validating sexual feelings there are. Like Call me hot but if you call me cool I'm just as likely to bang you.

Enough Rambling, enjoy the story and everything else of course!

Will x



kay ♡

you’re sooo ??.??!! like you’re genuinely a good actor ! like we’ve moved beyond voice acting .?? im convinced you can do it all ?? like i don’t think you understand how good you have to be to convey such a range of emotions with only your voice and not you facial expressions to help ??? like you’re SO good its unreal 😵😵😵


This audio is absolutely perfect. 🫠♥️🫠♥️🫠♥️