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  • High school - deep dive in mind and kinks.m4a
  • High school - deep dive in mind and kinks.m4a



Recorded this last night and I wasn't making much sense and I was talking about my (self diagnoses) ADHD and lots of other shheeyyatt

I had some fee fee's to get out but I also had some nice things to say too so I hope you enjoy dis one!

Thanks for hanging out with me <3 sleep well cherrylips

Wal x




i know that this post is a month old but i had to comment bc i started cracking up when you admitted you only recently starting appreciating rap music yet you're already onto drake 😂😂😂😂 so funny


Am I the only one who think he's so effortlessly hilarious? Such a fascinating human being ❤️ Thank you so much for your thoughts Will!