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Chill coffee and chat <3

Hyping up some future audios and discussing some dreams I had recently

Will x



Oh for sure I bet TikTok is like the talk of the town in any marketing department these days and as a content creator myself, you can't help but look at the amount of interactions people generate over there and be intrigued. That romance point is something I've never thought of, very true. Being funny, and romantic are both charismatic traits which is something we search for in... well anybody really, right? Charismatic people always relax us and make us feel at ease because of their ability to understand people so I think adding it to what I do here makes so much sense Okay I'll try to avoid the accent but I will say I have an audio coming up where I briefly cameo as an American farmer so I'm just pre-warning you for that one 🤣 Thank you for listening, Kim and have a good rest of your week! 😎

Caramel Kitten

I agree, I never really find the jump scare, weird monster thing moving fast and slow type horror all that scary, it's the psychological usually more reality based stuff that gets me because it's like "shit this could maybe actually happen". Kind of like some episodes of Black Mirror.


Oh shit IDK why I didn't think of Black Mirror cause that is real horror especially because of how realisticly it's portrayed. You can actual gain mild depression from binge watching that shit