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This story follows a man lost in today's dating environment. In the first scene, we witness him seek aid from a dating coach but quickly realise that his desperation had clouded his judgement. Time to go to the best source for information on what a woman might want... a woman!


I'm sorry but it was too tempting to activate "Phone voice settings" at the beginning. Like I could've made the meeting with Mr. Romance-Lance life coach a real meeting, but then I wouldn't get to activate phone voice settings and I think that better suited the slight Karen in me when I graciously requested that refund. Now I know how that feels,  I'll never have to be a Kevin/karen IRL.

Romance won in the results of the most recent poll and I really have missed making these romantic moments. There's just something so comforting about these stories, they provide no challenge to your soul and love like that can be rare. 

Strangers to Lovers has always been a fantasy of mine, I remember just sitting there and fantasising, staring at strangers and letting the mind wander to a perfect scenario. I would always have those moments in my "wank bank", I apologise for the crude phrase but, I think it's what makes me good at this. I would craft stories for myself rather than just remember a simple image of Jenny from the block bending over to pick up her newspaper. I mean, why not have Jenny from the block bounce on my cock, BUT with a bit more realism? She could knock on my door and ask for milk and by the end of the scenario, the milk in question wouldn't be one suitable for cereal anymore. Ok, maybe that's judgy of me, you put whatever you damn want on your cereal.

Hopefully, I can bring a bit of sanity to some of the dating language you see nowadays with this audio. Not claiming to be an expert myself, but it seems like so many men are hung up on what other people think about their relationship and who they can "get" that they don't even know how to enjoy relationships anymore. If any straight single men happen across this audio, let this character be thy inspiration. Please don't become a tate-teabag.

Anywizzle, I could go on for years about this audio. I just really hope you like it and I'm really looking forward to seeing your thoughts!

Thanks for listening <3


kay ♡

i haven’t even listened yet but i just love your extra info its so fun !!! you’re so funny lol

kay ♡

hi im back to say this was so so good, you make me feel crazy 😆

Jenner Oliveira

First time listening to this, and I love how real, and smart, and relatable it is. So cool.