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There's a new intern and he's a bit of... no- a HUGE jerk. As time goes on you start to warm up to each other and he gains respect for you. Realising the error of his ways he thanks you at his promotion. You were always the example he needed.

----Extra info----

When creating these stories there are always moments that I have to decide who will make the advancement, this is especially important in romantic audios, it needs to feel plausible and relevant to the story. 

Some techniques I always love are call-backs and reciprocated bravery. For example, if one character is brave enough to ask the other out, it shows a lot of solidarity when the other character performs a similar leap of faith later on.

The male character goes through a transformation in just these few scenes. He is slightly delusional and overconfident at first, but when met with the female's persistent resistance but firm hand, he is left introspective and disappointed in himself. 

What kind of development would the female character experience in this audio? I think she grows fond of the male character and starts to understand that he is harmless despite the rudeness that would shine through in the past.

This turned out suuuuper cute and fun. I'm glad I could make a switchy/subby audio a bit more romantic than I usually do. This is one of my favourite work-life audios to date because something just felt so natural about it all, even how the sex progresses. Hope you enjoy it too.

Will x




The curve appreciation? Yessss 😫😫


This is golden. 😆