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You are a highly respected Professor in your field with published works and are a lecturer at a very prestigious university. It appears that your reputation proceeds you as a typical day is disrupted by a budding and enthusiastic student who wants nothing more than to study for his Master's qualification under your tutorage. It's a bit rude of him to barge into your office unannounced, but was it a lack of discipline that entices him to break the rules or just his absolute admiration and desire to speak with you? 

Music by JuanHarmony

I feel like I've tried to stay away from the teacher/student dynamic for a while, mostly because it's been done a million times - too frickin' easy m8! But I think I discovered a beautiful take with this storyline, one that still allows for my dominant side to be shown despite being the budding student who is seeking a brighter future.

Inspiration for this audio comes from many different universes, one being Harry Potter for the aesthetics of the background setting, another being beautiful educational spaces, Like Hogwarts, but for real-life reference, places like Oxford and Cambridge. You might even feel glimpses of inspiration from Romance movies that I'm forgetting, feel free to share those with me!

Anyway, I also have to shout out "Good Will Hunting again" and my "Opening up to a Therapist" audio just because I tremendously enjoy the dynamic of 2 individuals being stuck in a room together with nothing else to do except chat and discover the beauty of their counterpart.

If you like, feel free to share in the comments what book you would have me read in the audio (Now, this is a fun and productive way to receive reading recommendations I'm sure you'll agree 😉). Personally, I only started reading later in life and can't really say I've fallen in love with a book yet, although the one I'm reading right now has started promisingly.

Thanks to listening to this mammoth audio and reading my gibberish. I hope it hit you somewhere deep, and not just in that deep-dick-pizza kind of way. I'm going to go make some chicken noodles, Mr Miyagi. Don't wait up for me! 💓

Will x



kay ♡

😆😍😍🤩🤕😳😳🤕🫣😳😄😁🤩😷😆🤒🥴🤒😵‍💫😄🫣🤒🤕🤕🤩😍🤒🥴🤒😵‍💫😵‍💫🤒🤕🫣 you make me feel crazy


When u described the sandwich ur inner gymrat came out huh☺️ I’m kinda hungry now