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movie talk with a cheesy ending.

Specific movies: arrival, good will hunting, ozark, the last of us, walking dead, zombieland,




There're not actually people telling YOU, you're not manly enough? 👀😄


Ok, so, the Ozarks are a range of mountains in the US that are mostly in Arkansas, and they are mucho glamorized in the show. (Idk if you know anything about Arkansas, but it’s kind of one of the more backwards of states in the US, like Mississippi and Alabama). My hillbilly ass family would go there on summer vacation when I was growing up and stay at this place that billed itself as a fishing “resort” but was truly simply a bunch of old mildewy cabins surrounding a pool that hadn’t been cleaned in awhile 😂 I think what you’re describing re: potatoes is what we call a “loaded” potato in the US. Putting baked beans on them is extremely uniquely British 😖