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I thought we'd have some Christmas songs, hang out and sing together!

It's been one of the best years of my life thanks to you guys. Every time you appreciate me, I want to appreciate you back and it ends up creating this never-ending circle of love, so thanks so much for building that with me.

I've never felt so accepted in my life and I hope in some way I've given you a similar feeling. Every podcast, blooper and audio I ever release, it's a bit of me that I share with you and I don't do this because I think "I'M" special, it's because I think "IT" is special. Sharing, being honest, vulnerable, having a friend, having a place to explore sexuality and having a place I can post a picture of myself and receive love - that is all an absolute privilege for me to behold and something I will appreciate til the day I die (even if I somehow get cancelled next week for saying or doing the wrong thing 😅)

You might think I'm being overly soppy but to me, soppiness is a shield. We all love cheese, right? Even vegan cheese!

But what better way to let down the shield and share my awkward ass self with you one more time before the year ends (Well there will be an audio coming out before the new Year at some point for Patreon because you deserve that!)

I also have a random thing scheduled to release on Christmas day incase you need a little laugh.

I hope you enjoy this and cheers to a very Merry Christmas!

Which was your favourite?

Disclaimer: none of these songs were rehearsed and I was trying to sing and read the lyrics and chords at the same time. Sorry for your ears but there is no refund. 😳

Will x




It’s so beautiful, the songs and the content you wrote. I’m so grateful for discovering this, thank you for making the world a better place (pardon me for replying on old posts, guilty

kay ♡

so so glad i found you ! you’ve very quickly taken over my life and i couldn’t be happier about it ! i love your singing and your guitar playing and your love of music, its so heartwarming ! you deserve all good things and i hope even more good things come your way next year !! 🫶🏾💘💓💗