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love u guys!

Will x

(idk what the pic is just take it ok that's what she said)



I miss going out and getting cheesy chips at 2am, up here it’s Parmo, Parmo, Parmo 🙄 I had a meltdown in a kebab shop once because they gave me kebab meat and I was vegetarian. Ah those were the days.

kay ♡

i’ve listened to this so many times now and i wanna thank you for sharing so much of yourself with us, even though you don’t have to. you’re such a sweet and kind person and i hate to think that you’re having a hard time. that being said i totally get where you’re coming from on so many different levels, i too have older parents and the thought of what my relationship with them will be like as they get even older is daunting. gosh idk i just appreciate your vulnerability about everything, loneliness, and struggles and eating habits, all of it. i wish there was something more for me to offer you besides my words but that’s all i have to give, besides a listening ear i suppose. but i hope you know there’s ppl out there, me, who understand you, who get it, and i hope that can provide any kind of solace for you, especially after how much you’ve done for me !