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  • High school 29.m4a
  • High school 29.m4a



im so sorry for the chomping D:





My toxic trait is getting insanely pissed off when my grammar is corrected. I feel like Ron Swanson when he goes into the Home Depot and some employee offers him help, and he says "I know more than you." Someone recently told me that they think the whole brat thing is just an excuse for a girl to be a genuinely awful person and then not experience any repercussions for it. Maybe that's true in some cases, but they meant it in a negative way, and that rubbed me the wrong way. Speaking of the way our upbringing and cultural context informs our sexuality, girls and women are conditioned to behave, to be quiet, and to let the boys/ men in their lives take priority at their expense. That's just the hand you are dealt when you're a woman. Being a brat can be so appealing bc you can push back against the man, and you are actually rewarded for it. Same with the dom/sub dynamic. Being a sub, in theory, is 10000% consensual and safe because as a woman, I am willingly handing over control to someone I trust will keep me safe, act in my best interests, and celebrate my pleasure, which is WAY more than I can expect of patriarchal society. Being able to opt in to a submissive role is a beautiful thing. x


🥐(🍯) Very interesting take on brats there. I quite enjoyed this audio. I actually didn’t know until recently that brattiness was even a kink. I just thought it was my personality 😭 I enjoy playing with power in relationships. I think I enjoy the dynamics best without labels. We don’t have to consult Google on whether or not a sex swing classifies us as being into bdsm or not, you know? 😂💖💖💖