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I missed you guys. Get cosy and grab your toys.




Dammit Will, I was ready to get my penis sucked because I KNEW THAT REFERENCE. Kung Pow is so fucking quotable. I’m constantly screaming “chosen one” when someone says they are coming. Which gets awkward when you are an adult content creator…


Oh my. This was a treat. I'm all of five feet, so it's easy for me to find a man I can climb like a tree. The taller the better. He's got to be a teddy bear in the street and a grizzly in the sheets. There's just something about being utterly consumed by a ravenous man. I do have a bit of a brat streak, I like to press his buttons until he loses control and puts his hands on me. I'm dying at your description of hentai. 🤣 The first time I ever saw tentacle hentai, I had downloaded it from some shady corner of the internet on a whim and while I was watching it, my mom walked in. Having to explain to her that it wasn't what she thought it was (it was) and that I'm not into tentacles (I won't knock it until I try it or kink shame) was like trying to defuse a live grenade. I think I would still prefer an actual grenade than ever have that happen again. Cheesecake or car. 😊 PS: Yes, please do more of these.