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I'm a fan of Harry Potter and what a vast world it is to create my own little fantasy in. This kind of takes me back to the earlier movies where the innocence was ripe and where the awkwardness of school-life would be present. I tried to capture much of that grand scale as I could with this half-improvised script so I do hope you get lost in the world with me a little bit. I'd be down for making more hogwarts-themed audios. Maybe the two characters would be competitive over quidditch or maybe they would be studying in the forbidden library and find some naughty spells.  

Decided to post it here in the end just for you guys B)



Finally, they're letting me into Hogwarts - school of witchcraft and wizardry. I've never been lucky enough to be chosen, but I guess now the time is right. I wonder what my purpose is and where my magical roots are based. Anyway, this summer could not end soon enough!


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