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  • Tamblefsp.m4a
  • Tamblefsp.m4a



We should be back with regular audios on THURSDAY! (When my new desk arrives which will be an adjustable electric one - very cool!)

I had an asssssss day today but it was productive and I'm getting a lot of things ready after my vacation, writing is already well underway and I'll bust out even more tomorrow so we can get well ahead of things.

Sorry for the lack of consistency, my hand was forced and I couldn't prepare for my inability to record as this all happened directly after my vacation! I've never missed this many days of release since I started 3 years ago and I have a lot of making up to you to do!

I'll do a podcast soon too explaining everything, perhaps tomorrow actually but I've said all you need to know for now!

See you Thursday for a new Reddit banger and Hopefully Friday too for a cheeky back to back 🤩

Missed you!
Will x




sorry your day was bad, ikea man. hopefully the rest of your week is better! dont overwork urself

Lucy 👽✨

Thank you for letting us help break in the new mattress King 🥰 I hope you relieved some of that stress